Wednesday, January 6, 2021





reveal my self to me

this day,

reveal the depths of love to which I’m drawn,

and vow to live for better

or worse, in sickness

and health.

You lift me out of myself,

out of the boundaried world

that disbelieves miracles,

and throw your extravagant grace around me

like flight of starlings sculpted across open sky.


By what wisdom does this wind blow,

and we starlit lovers glow, in light

that entwines the very fingers of our hands?

Not for a moment only,

(though a lifetime is such a moment),

and this joining of hearts a communion

beyond time,

(though not untouched by time’s wounding).


I say “Yes” then, again, today.

Yes to being born

And Yes to dying,

And (most, above and under all)

Yes to Life you awaken in me.

Yes to Love by which

I am named.


~For Teresa for the occasion of our 41st anniversary~

January 6, 2021



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