Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Be The Field


© photo by Diane


Be the Field


Be entire field

of crimson and golden poppies,

wild iris, violet morning glories.

Be mycelial network

of subterranean threads

relating every tree through forest.

Be ocean

of waves breaking, waves

relaxing back into vastness.


Let tension dissolve

like bubble on water’s surface

expanding every direction.

Let go small mind:

constricting thoughts

of me and mine.

Let go holding feet and toes.

Let ground flow,

energy without bounds,

and carry you through nets

of veins, roots, rivers, galaxies.


Have in you

Mind of Christ,

Heart of Mother,

Mychorrhizal Love Web






  1. As usual, a beautiful writing that beckons the me into my own fullness as I journey forward.
    Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the inspiraton to be more than what my limited beliefs have placed me. <3


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